Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Grilled Okra for Labor Day

Labor Day has snuck up on me this year!

So I'm thinking...maybe something a little different on the grill this time to go along with the chicken, sausage, and potato salad that we do every year for Labor Day.
Grilled Okra? YES! Here is the simple recipe. (Not in Roux, but taped in the back of my copy of Roux.)

Washed whole pods of okra (with stem) (8 per serving)
Olive Oil

Place washed okra in a large bowl (you can slit them halfway to the stem which is optional)
Season them with salt and pepper
Toss gently with olive oil

Place the okra pods on a grilling pan/sheet;  moving them on the hot grill until they are almost crispy!
(You can also skewer them, turning them often.)
Bon Appetit

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