Sunday, January 15, 2012

Lemon Chicken with Capers

Layered chicken prepared for the oven!

10 chicken breasts
2 or 3 tablespoons of minced garlic
2 lemons sliced
Lemon juice
Olive oil


Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
In a covered dutch oven greased with olive oil place one layer of chicken breasts, drizzle with olive oil, season with salt, pepper and paprika, sprinkle with minced garlic, place lemon slices and capers on top; repeat this layer until you have two or three layers ending with lemon slices and capers.  Sprinkle with fresh lemon juice.

Place in the oven covered for one hour.  Bon Appetit!

Lemon Chicken with capers!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Years Day Ambrosia

Everyone has traditonal food or foods that they serve their families on New Year's my family the tradition is "Pot" Roast with rice and gravy, Cabbage Rolls (page 19 of Roux), Black Eyed Peas (page 11) and for dessert, Ambrosia (page 39). Here is the recipe below for you, but, please buy my little cookbook to keep our little kitchen in spices and seasonings. Bon Appetit!

(New Orleans) Ambrosia

5 blood or navel oranges, peeled, slices cut in half
1 bag of shredded coconut, sweetened
1 jar of maraschino cherries with juice
granulated sugar
In a large decorative glass serving bowl (punch or morning serving bowl), place a layer of cut orange slices, cover the oranges with one heaping tablespoon of sugar, then cover this layer with a handful of shredded coconut; place several cherries on top of this layer. Repeat this order until the bowl is full. The last layer should be coconut and cherries. Drizzle the cherry juice on the completed layers.  Chill several hours.