Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Chicken and Sausage Fricassee

Although this is not in the cookbook Roux, you can copy and paste it in the back of your cookbook!

This is absolutely delicious.  It is a cross between my grandmother's Mulligan Stew and a Gumbo.

1 chicken, disjointed with skin, seasoned. Set aside in a large bowl.
1 lb of smoke sausage, cut into slices and mixed into the bowl of seasoned chicken; set aside.
1/2 cup of all purpose flour
1/2 cup of vegetable oil
1 bag of cleaned baby carrots
4 red or white potatoes peeled and cut
4 cloves of garlic cut up
1 bell pepper cut up
1 white onion cut up
1 can of chicken broth
Green onion tops

Make a Basic dark roux with the flour and oil in a black pot.  (page 57 in Roux)

Add garlic, bell pepper and onions. Mix well and simmer about 2 minutes; add sausage and chicken; mix well.  Simmer another two minutes.

Stir in carrots and potatoes.  Add chicken broth. Add water a little at a time until it is the consistency of a stew.  

Simmer 45 minutes, add green onion tops and serve on steamed white rice.

Bon Appetit!!!

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